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Healing After Heartbreak MasterClass

Regular price $27.00 USD
Regular price $47.00 USD Sale price $27.00 USD
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In this Healing After Heartbreak MasterClass, you will Learn How to Break the Bondage of Toxic Relationships, So You Can Prepare Your Heart for the Love You Desire.

Jumpstart Your Journey to Freedom as We:

  • Help you understand the "hows" and they "whys" behind your bondage in this toxic relationship. 
  • Give you the steps you need to take in order to break free from them--For GOOD.
  • Introduce you to the ONE THING that you must do correctly to ensure a successful healing journey. 

This is a ONE TIME purchase for this class only and includes Journaling Assignments and a ROBUST Q&A session with valuable insight on moving forward with your healing.